Gold & White Stamped Mani (August 2014)

Gold & White Stamped Mani (August 2014)

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

On Wednesdays We Wear Pink: Glitter

So October 2014 is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and as I found out last Wednesday (thanks to the wonderful Bob Plays With Polish) there is a pink nail challenge on every Wednesday this month in its honour:

My mum beat breast cancer a few years ago, and I am so thankful to the NHS for finding it so quickly and curing her - she is in complete remission after surgery and radiotherapy. I also thank every researcher and medical professional who has made the survival rate so high, having put years of their lives in to finding out more about the disease and thereby how to cure it. I am doing the Race for Life next year, but right now I am part of Go Sober for October, as between my granny's terminal cancer and working in a hospital, I know what valuable work MacMillan nurses do on the front line, caring for cancer sufferers and supporting families who are trying to nurse their own loved ones.

So while I know that this is just a mani, it's worth doing something on your nails to get people talking - to explain the reason to every curious friend, colleague or stranger that comments on how pretty in pink your nails are. Please also use the following hashtags on Instagram, so that it's easier to find everyone's photos and see just how many are taking part:


Also there is the more generic tag of #OnWednesdaysWeWearPink

In artificial light: pink glitter manicure (Nails Inc Monmouth St, Models Own Magenta Divine, Zoya Snow White) for Breast Cancer Awareness month, October 2014

In natural light (no direct sun)

The ingredients (L-R): Zoya Snow White, Model's Own Magenta Divine, Ebay gem wheel and Nails Inc Monmouth Street

It's never too late to join in, so why not join us for polka dots, ombres and flowers for the remaining Wednesdays in October? :)


  1. Amazing, gorgeous, awesome glitter <3 I love this manicure, and it is for a great cause!!!! So happy you did this Debz. xxxXXxxx

    1. Thanks Roberta, and thank you for putting me on to this challenge! Of all the things that I do to my nails, this pink glitter has attracted the most comments and attention when I've been out and about, and it's been great to explain to folk what it's all about. Most of the year, I have no patience for glitter, but Strictly Come Dancing in autumn and winter makes me crave it - so, I really have enjoyed every single thing about this mani! Bring on the dots this Wednesday :) x
